Posted by on Sep 12, 2017 in Articles |

Security and online Senior Living Referral Services

With the recent Equifax Breach it has brought more awareness to how vulnerable our information is with the technology that exists. While researching Senior Living options online for yourself or a loved one you may be unaware of the ways in which your information is being distributed. Many online Senior Placement and Referral service companies will want to capture your information before generating a list of options. For example, while google searching Assisted Living Portland, Oregon a list of links will be generated. When you click one of the links you will be required to put in some basic information before being directed to a list of options or before you can receive further pricing information. Entering your information will typically result in a phone call from the online Senior Living Referral service to gather additional information. Entering your information could also result in a phone call from 10 or more communities that the online Senior Living Referral service distributes your information to. In addition, once the online Senior...

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Posted by on Sep 11, 2017 in Articles |

Understanding Long Term Care Policies

Only about 10% of the senior population have Long Term Care Policies, yet 90% or greater of 65+ years old will need some form of Long Term Care. As a Senior Living Advisor, I assist my clients in reviewing their Long Term Care Policies to determine if they are currently qualified to use the benefits of their policy or when they will be qualified to use the benefits which they have paid into for many years. It is common for many of my clients to not know where their original policy is and also not recall what their policy covers. Upon reviewing their policies with them they are usually surprised to find out their policy covers more or less than they expected. Whether you are looking to purchase a Long Term Care Policy currently and would like to become educated or you would like to understand how to read your current policy here are some common features and provisions: Elimination period: The period of time before the insurance policy...

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Posted by on Sep 9, 2017 in Articles |

How to Know When a Loved One Needs a Guardian or Conservator

Caring for loved ones as they become unable to care for themselves can bring about difficult legal decisions. You may have a loved one that is no longer able to make good decisions with their health and finances. Guardianship and Conservatorship can help you provide for someone who’s incapable of managing their financial affairs or personal healthcare needs. Many of the clients we assist do not know what a Guardian or Conservator is nor when the appropriate time to pursue Guardianship or Conservatorship is. Here are some basics that may help: What is a Guardian and Conservator? Guardian: A person appointed by the court who has the legal authority to care for the personal interests of another person. Usually a guardian is appointed when that person is incapable of caring for his or her own interests due to incapacity or disability. Conservator: A person appointed by the courts when a person is incapable of caring for his or her own financial interests due to minority, incapacity, or disability. The...

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Posted by on Jun 15, 2015 in Articles |

Aging in Arizona Radio Broadcast: Senior One Source Senior Placement in Arizona

Senior living options are numerous and varied in Maricopa County Arizona. And, with so many options, the choices can be overwhelming for seniors and their families. Senior One Source Senior Living Advisors, are experts in senior care and senior living with Senior One Source. A Senior Living Advisor joined us to explain everything from Independent Living to Skilled Nursing Facilities – and everything in between. For more information visit Direct Radio Show...

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Posted by on Jun 5, 2015 in Articles |

Interview with A Pearl Harbor Survivor

“Thank You” to all the veterans out there.  Because of You, I have never had to think of: being drafted, defending my home or wonder if ‘we will be bombed.’  I live in the greatest country that has ever or will ever exist, provided by you, the defenders of this great nation.  I spent a lot of time with my grandparents growing up and marveled at their sense of patriotism, honor and commitment to each other.  From my perspective: at no time in our history is this more evident than in WWII.   I remember looking at pictures in my Grandfathers Time Life’s WWII book collection before I could read.  I would ask my Grandfather about those pictures and ‘that war.’  He would tell me only that ‘much was lost and much was saved.’  My Grandfathers response fueled my desire to learn about what happened in the Second World War.  I learned about the heart, courage, honor, respect and sacrifice needed to persevere those tumultuous times. Stan S. born in...

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Posted by on Dec 7, 2013 in Articles |

Helping Elderly Parents Transition from their Home

After Marsha’s husband passed away, her daughter Beverly, started coming around more often and noticed that her mother was not able to keep up with the house & yard as she used to. Marsha also mentioned that she didn’t enjoy cooking for just herself, so would often eat snacks or frozen meals from the grocery store. As a result she had lost weight that she didn’t’ need to. Her driving abilities had also become unsafe. Deep down Marsha knew she should not be driving and therefore did not venture far from her home. Because she wasn’t able to get out as she used to and many of her friends had moved closer to their families or passed away, she was feeling lonely. One day Beverly was speaking with her friend Kathy about her mother. Kathy mentioned that her own 83 year old mother had recently moved into a Senior Living Community nearby where she had meals, housekeeping, transportation & activities provided.  Kathy told Beverly her mother hadn’t been this...

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